
Yes friends of mine this time I will discuss about hero archer, she is a beautiful woman but very sadistic, she is tel annas. ok i discuss a bit about this ero, so hero this hero is very painful shot but the deficiency of this hero is, pertahannan and his life very fragile. precisely that we really need a tank in front of us. to wear this hero we must be very smart to overcome the situation, because the risk of this hero is silent and can not rise again, I sink into the ocean of deep wounds, ekh sorry I even sing. so this hero requires us to really become the best strategist when our friend war, if we can use it we will easily get pentakill. only if the item builds ita wrong often annas just be garbage in the match. for his own arcana i will use

Critical Chance: +0.7%
Critical Damage: +3.6

Attack Damage: +1.6
Movement Speed: +1%

Dragon's Claws
Attack Damage: +0.9
Armor Pierce: +6.4

Arena of Valor Punish

30 Second Cooldown
Deals (740 + (60*level)) true damage to nearby minions and monsters and stuns them for 1 second
Obtained at Player Level 5
Punish is generally a Talent reserved for heroes who are Jungling through the early game. The extra damage it offers can speed up the one’s jungling rotation. Furthermore, it helps secure last hits on important monsters like the Abyssal Dragon and Dark Slayer.
Punish’s damage is increased by the effects of jungling items.
Punish becomes Frostbite upon the purchase of a Tier 2 jungling item.

and for the build item I base on is


Attack Speed +35%
Life Steal +10%
Grants Frostbite talent
+10% Increased Cooldown Speed
Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters and receives 30% more experience from killing monsters.Wild: Increases attack damage by 3 for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times
Arena of Valor-WAR-BOOTS
War Boots
Attack Speed +25%
Movement Speed +60
Movement Speed +60

Claves Sancti

Attack Damage +100
Upon landing a critical attack, grants bonus (30 + Level*2) movement speed for 2 seconds (only for Ranged).Critical Chance +30%

Arena of Valor-FAFNIR’S-TALON
Fafnir's Talon 

Attack Damage +60
Attack Speed +30%
Life Steal +10%
Dragon’s Breath: Normal attacks deal additional damage equal to 8% of target’s current HP.

Omni arms

Attack Damage +70
Attack Speed +15%
Life Steal +10%
Cooldown Speed +10%
Max HP +500
Pentapower: After using an ability, the next normal attack within 5 seconds deals 100% more physical damage. 2-second cooldown

Arena of Valor-FENRIR’S-TOOTH

Fenrir's Toots

Attack Damage +200
Fenrir’s Tooth: Increases all damage dealt with 30% when the target’s HP is below 50%.

Don't porget for use punish talent

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